The idea now of this general timing that you have called in yoursociety, "The Ides of March", though we understand that technicallyspeaking it is your 15th, recognize that there is a larger windowthan just a single day for the phenomenology that is representedby the term "Ides of March".
Relatively speaking you can draw a window from about your 12th dayof March to your 18th day of March, give or take a day or two oneither side, depending upon the year, depending upon the changesthat have gone on in your collective consciousness as to the energythat surrounds an approximate midpoint of March 15th.
This gateway that we are referring to is simply the result of yourcollective consciousness on many different levels, bothphysiologically and non-physiologically, of course, coming to acertain point of momentum…a certain point in the cycle of thechanges and the evolution that goes on within you.
As each and every one of you, individually, begins to explore andinvestigate certain things and move in certain directions, yourcollective momentum creates certain energy gates that afford theindividuals in your society an opportunity to ride the collectiveenergy of that gate through to another level…through a doorway toanother level, another accelerated momentum of yourself.
It is an opportunity in this Ides of March window, for you to havebetter assessment about who and what you are, to more preciselyclarify who and what you believe yourself to be, who and what youdesire yourself to be.
This timing is a particularly, shall we say, important one. It islike unto the eye of the needle, as you describe it, in that theonly way you can really allow yourself to pass easily, withoutstruggle…without pain…without effort, through the eye of the needle,through the transformational…transitional eye of the needle doorway,and to really let go of all the things that don't belong to youbecause only you, only the true you…the real you…the natural youwill fit through the eye of the needle. Anything that does notbelong will not fit. If you try to bring it with you through theeye of the needle, it will be a struggle…it will be a strain…itcannot fit.
So now is the time for clarification and cleansing, for releasing ofthose ideas, those belief systems, those patterns, habits and so onand so forth, that may have been placed within your consciousness,by your parents, by your peers, by your society, that do not definethe you you prefer to be, that are not about who you KNOW you reallyare, in your heart of hearts… to let them go and to redefine andreassess yourself, especially now at this time, because it is SOfortuitous, the momentum that exists right now for high acceleration.
If you are really willing to let go of those things that don't workfor you, then this timing is when you can really take advantage ofthe collective energy of your society, that affords you, as we havesaid…this wave, to ride through the gate, through the doorway, sothat on the other side, at the end of this particular timing ofcycle as we have labeled it, you can find yourself truly beginningto function as a new person in a new reality, having let go of thosethings that have been holding you back…weighing you down, and findyourself much more highly accelerated, and feeling lighter andseeing more instantaneous manifestation in your lives, keepingthings more in the present…more in the now, more immediate…ratherthan projecting into the future, projecting into the past.
Letting go of those things that don't serve you will help you remainmore firmly in the present, and allow you to gather and integrateall your energy in the here and now, so that you can function withmore awareness…more consciousness.
This keys into the whole idea of communication to your higher levelsof consciousness…other dimensions, other realms…the Infinite, whathave you, your guides, it doesn't matter, the angels, as you callthem, it doesn't matter.
This keys into your ability to have clearer communication withinyour self and with all levels of consciousness. The idea that youso often call prayer, though you do not have to use that term, (thisdoes not have to be focused in what you call a religiousconnotation), but just because you utilize that term, we areutilizing it now to demonstrate and describe, to symbolize what weare discussing.
Prayer...when you pray…when you communicate with the Infinite, whenyou communicate with more of yourself, when you communicate withyour guides, or whatever it is you wish to label that you arecommunicating with, it is important…it is critical…it is KEY, thatyou remember that prayer must be IN THE PRESENT, and what this meansis this:
Everything…everything that you desire, everything that you want thatis really representative of your truth, your natural self…your trueexcitement…your true joy, everything that you would say that youwould ever wind up getting in your life, you have already been given.
It may be invisible to you at the moment, but you have already beengiven everything!
Creation was a singular act, it all exists in one moment, time isyour illusion in physical reality, but creation is a singular act,and everything that you believe you might some day get, you actuallyalready have right now. You've all been given everything, that isyour true hearts desire…EVERYTHING.
So when you pray and ask for something, recognize you do not needto ask to be given something you don't have. When you pray you areasking for assistance to see that you have already been given it.
Once you have the assistance to see, that you have already beengiven what you are asking for, that means your vibration then equalsthat idea, that reality…that experience…that gift. And once youequal the vibration of that gift, it becomes visible to you,it becomes as you say…manifested in your reality.
But it isn't that it is actually manifesting, as if it wasn't there,it's just that you have learned to see what has always been righthere, right now…more clearly.
Because you have everything…EVERYTHING you could ever want, it hasalready been given to you, there is nothing outside of you…there isnothing beyond you, there is no outside…there is no beyond.Everything is here and now, but in various states of visibility andinvisibility depending upon the frequency that you are operating on,and that means the belief system, the definitions that you buy intomost strongly.
That's what allows you to perceive various aspects of the onereality that is all right here. When you learn more clearly toshift…to tune your frequency, to match that which you desire, thenyou will see that it has always been right here, and you will knowthat you have always contained it, and you will then experience itas so.
And again, as we have said, the way that you can more easily allowyourself to learn how to tune in this way, is to let go of thosethings that don't belong to you, let go of those definitions thatdon't work for you. Don't insist on holding on to them, they willonly hold you back like baggage you don't need. Lighten up…lightenyour load, and you will experience more enlightenment.
Now, also, as we have discussed recently, just an interesting idea…just an interesting suggestion, just an interesting technique.This is a little bit, what you call in your language, tongue incheek. Nevertheless, sometimes, doing something in a playful way,can actually have profound impact and effect in your life.And so what we have to share with you, what we have to suggest toyou is this idea, play with it however you wish.
If you find that you are more practiced at being afraid in life,then being joyful...then being trusting…then being certain, if youfind you are more practiced, that it more automatically comes upthat you are afraid of something, then go with your strengthsand be afraid that you will be a total success, because your fear inattracting negativity to you, can, as the strongest energy withinyou, be used to attract what you want as well. So, go with yourstrengths.
If you find that you believe that you must make sacrifices in life,then sacrifice the things that don't work for you and watch themdissolve. Let yourself sacrifice those things instead ofsacrificing what you prefer. You can use the same mechanismfor the things that you don't need as well as the things that you do.Play with that idea and see what happens.
As you do so you will generally find, that you will learn why youwere motivated to focus and choose the things you don't REALLYprefer, and how you can be motivated to choose the things you doprefer. Because everything is a motivation, EVERYTHING that you do.
As we have said many times, remember… there is no such thing as alack of motivation, there is no such thing as a lack of trust,you're always trusting in something, the question is what are youtrusting in.
You are always motivated, you are always choosing something, thequestion is why are you motivated to choose something that youbelieve isn't really working for you. Remember, if you're not doingthe thing you want to do, it is not because you're not motivated todo that thing, it's because you are motivated to do something else.Find out why.
When you understand the motivational reasons you have created inyour mind, for why you choose to do what you do, why you choose tostay where you stay, why you choose to behave the way you behave,why you choose to be where you are, then you will understand how youcan change the definition. And you will, by changing the definition,change the feelings and the motivation concurrently, becauseeverything is connected to the strongest definition, the strongestbelief you have about what you think is possible in life.
And once you change your definition…your motivation is automaticin the direction of the strongest belief…the strongest definition.It's as simple as that. Remember, this is not philosophy…this isphysics.
Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match thefrequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get thatreality. It can be no other way. This is physics.
©1996, Darryl Anka. All Rights Reserved.
Relatively speaking you can draw a window from about your 12th dayof March to your 18th day of March, give or take a day or two oneither side, depending upon the year, depending upon the changesthat have gone on in your collective consciousness as to the energythat surrounds an approximate midpoint of March 15th.
This gateway that we are referring to is simply the result of yourcollective consciousness on many different levels, bothphysiologically and non-physiologically, of course, coming to acertain point of momentum…a certain point in the cycle of thechanges and the evolution that goes on within you.
As each and every one of you, individually, begins to explore andinvestigate certain things and move in certain directions, yourcollective momentum creates certain energy gates that afford theindividuals in your society an opportunity to ride the collectiveenergy of that gate through to another level…through a doorway toanother level, another accelerated momentum of yourself.
It is an opportunity in this Ides of March window, for you to havebetter assessment about who and what you are, to more preciselyclarify who and what you believe yourself to be, who and what youdesire yourself to be.
This timing is a particularly, shall we say, important one. It islike unto the eye of the needle, as you describe it, in that theonly way you can really allow yourself to pass easily, withoutstruggle…without pain…without effort, through the eye of the needle,through the transformational…transitional eye of the needle doorway,and to really let go of all the things that don't belong to youbecause only you, only the true you…the real you…the natural youwill fit through the eye of the needle. Anything that does notbelong will not fit. If you try to bring it with you through theeye of the needle, it will be a struggle…it will be a strain…itcannot fit.
So now is the time for clarification and cleansing, for releasing ofthose ideas, those belief systems, those patterns, habits and so onand so forth, that may have been placed within your consciousness,by your parents, by your peers, by your society, that do not definethe you you prefer to be, that are not about who you KNOW you reallyare, in your heart of hearts… to let them go and to redefine andreassess yourself, especially now at this time, because it is SOfortuitous, the momentum that exists right now for high acceleration.
If you are really willing to let go of those things that don't workfor you, then this timing is when you can really take advantage ofthe collective energy of your society, that affords you, as we havesaid…this wave, to ride through the gate, through the doorway, sothat on the other side, at the end of this particular timing ofcycle as we have labeled it, you can find yourself truly beginningto function as a new person in a new reality, having let go of thosethings that have been holding you back…weighing you down, and findyourself much more highly accelerated, and feeling lighter andseeing more instantaneous manifestation in your lives, keepingthings more in the present…more in the now, more immediate…ratherthan projecting into the future, projecting into the past.
Letting go of those things that don't serve you will help you remainmore firmly in the present, and allow you to gather and integrateall your energy in the here and now, so that you can function withmore awareness…more consciousness.
This keys into the whole idea of communication to your higher levelsof consciousness…other dimensions, other realms…the Infinite, whathave you, your guides, it doesn't matter, the angels, as you callthem, it doesn't matter.
This keys into your ability to have clearer communication withinyour self and with all levels of consciousness. The idea that youso often call prayer, though you do not have to use that term, (thisdoes not have to be focused in what you call a religiousconnotation), but just because you utilize that term, we areutilizing it now to demonstrate and describe, to symbolize what weare discussing.
Prayer...when you pray…when you communicate with the Infinite, whenyou communicate with more of yourself, when you communicate withyour guides, or whatever it is you wish to label that you arecommunicating with, it is important…it is critical…it is KEY, thatyou remember that prayer must be IN THE PRESENT, and what this meansis this:
Everything…everything that you desire, everything that you want thatis really representative of your truth, your natural self…your trueexcitement…your true joy, everything that you would say that youwould ever wind up getting in your life, you have already been given.
It may be invisible to you at the moment, but you have already beengiven everything!
Creation was a singular act, it all exists in one moment, time isyour illusion in physical reality, but creation is a singular act,and everything that you believe you might some day get, you actuallyalready have right now. You've all been given everything, that isyour true hearts desire…EVERYTHING.
So when you pray and ask for something, recognize you do not needto ask to be given something you don't have. When you pray you areasking for assistance to see that you have already been given it.
Once you have the assistance to see, that you have already beengiven what you are asking for, that means your vibration then equalsthat idea, that reality…that experience…that gift. And once youequal the vibration of that gift, it becomes visible to you,it becomes as you say…manifested in your reality.
But it isn't that it is actually manifesting, as if it wasn't there,it's just that you have learned to see what has always been righthere, right now…more clearly.
Because you have everything…EVERYTHING you could ever want, it hasalready been given to you, there is nothing outside of you…there isnothing beyond you, there is no outside…there is no beyond.Everything is here and now, but in various states of visibility andinvisibility depending upon the frequency that you are operating on,and that means the belief system, the definitions that you buy intomost strongly.
That's what allows you to perceive various aspects of the onereality that is all right here. When you learn more clearly toshift…to tune your frequency, to match that which you desire, thenyou will see that it has always been right here, and you will knowthat you have always contained it, and you will then experience itas so.
And again, as we have said, the way that you can more easily allowyourself to learn how to tune in this way, is to let go of thosethings that don't belong to you, let go of those definitions thatdon't work for you. Don't insist on holding on to them, they willonly hold you back like baggage you don't need. Lighten up…lightenyour load, and you will experience more enlightenment.
Now, also, as we have discussed recently, just an interesting idea…just an interesting suggestion, just an interesting technique.This is a little bit, what you call in your language, tongue incheek. Nevertheless, sometimes, doing something in a playful way,can actually have profound impact and effect in your life.And so what we have to share with you, what we have to suggest toyou is this idea, play with it however you wish.
If you find that you are more practiced at being afraid in life,then being joyful...then being trusting…then being certain, if youfind you are more practiced, that it more automatically comes upthat you are afraid of something, then go with your strengthsand be afraid that you will be a total success, because your fear inattracting negativity to you, can, as the strongest energy withinyou, be used to attract what you want as well. So, go with yourstrengths.
If you find that you believe that you must make sacrifices in life,then sacrifice the things that don't work for you and watch themdissolve. Let yourself sacrifice those things instead ofsacrificing what you prefer. You can use the same mechanismfor the things that you don't need as well as the things that you do.Play with that idea and see what happens.
As you do so you will generally find, that you will learn why youwere motivated to focus and choose the things you don't REALLYprefer, and how you can be motivated to choose the things you doprefer. Because everything is a motivation, EVERYTHING that you do.
As we have said many times, remember… there is no such thing as alack of motivation, there is no such thing as a lack of trust,you're always trusting in something, the question is what are youtrusting in.
You are always motivated, you are always choosing something, thequestion is why are you motivated to choose something that youbelieve isn't really working for you. Remember, if you're not doingthe thing you want to do, it is not because you're not motivated todo that thing, it's because you are motivated to do something else.Find out why.
When you understand the motivational reasons you have created inyour mind, for why you choose to do what you do, why you choose tostay where you stay, why you choose to behave the way you behave,why you choose to be where you are, then you will understand how youcan change the definition. And you will, by changing the definition,change the feelings and the motivation concurrently, becauseeverything is connected to the strongest definition, the strongestbelief you have about what you think is possible in life.
And once you change your definition…your motivation is automaticin the direction of the strongest belief…the strongest definition.It's as simple as that. Remember, this is not philosophy…this isphysics.
Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match thefrequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get thatreality. It can be no other way. This is physics.
©1996, Darryl Anka. All Rights Reserved.
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