Sunday, April 02, 2006

Bird Flu

"This is a very large issue, and highly complex. So far, apparently, approximately 68 to 70 people on the face of this entire planet have died from the apparent cross-breeding of the avian flu virus with the human virus gene, and that should be sufficient to set the entire planet on its ears. Now, without sounding crass about it, who stands largely to benefit from this? HELENA: The pharmaceutical companies. LIDA: (Largely inaudible, but Lida mentions the government)KRIS: These two and many more, but largely overall, Big Pharma stands to gain enormously from it and any governments that are entirely to be found as supporters of government policies. And since many western world governments have substantial holdings with the pharmaceuticals in one way or another, the juggernaut engines of the government will be kicked into full gear to press the population into fear mode to increase the sales of vaccinations almost of any kind in hopes of staving off a pandemic. And this of course must be done under the guise of caring for general public health. Now this does not mean that all individuals involved in those fields are uncaring and callous, but they are all caught up, deeply enmeshed, in the belief structures that involve the medical profession at that level. This serves layers and layers of purposes for all of those involved in that kind of scenario clear across the planet. And there are many people that have a knowing that this is not an issue that they need to feed. It does not mean that they pretend it does not exist, but they have already programmed themselves in one form or another that the enemy is not a virus, but that FEAR is the terrorist in this case, a psychological fear. They have, one way or another, already programmed themselves through their belief structures either that if it happens, it will happen, or that nothing will occur. But they do not chew their nails to the bone worrying as to WHEN -- not if, but when -- they will die from it. And that does make a difference. They are not indifferent to the potential; they have no desire to lend it further energy as to become part of THEIR reality. Again it does not mean that they ignore it, they deny it, they pretend it does not exist. They will acknowledge it as a potential reality, but it may not be the reality that they will create for themselves. And as we suggested, this is a complex issue. There are many probabilities swirling about and the consensus reality has yet to be determined, but it does not override your own choices. How many of you have been around family members, some of which have gotten the flu at one time or another and you did not manifest one single sneeze? And how many times has it occurred that you seemed to suffer as Job, while those around you did not sneeze once? Should it not be that if you all live in the same environment, you should all have the same condition? Or is it that somehow or other viruses can select their targets? Do they sit at their table, Napoleon-like, and move their human pieces and strategize as to whom will get it tomorrow? And what army of viruses will attack? Indeed not. We are then suggesting that this may be far more overrated and that potential stocks of pharmaceutical companies may be over-inflated at the moment and the next quarter may not bring the expected increases and yields. Does that answer your question?"


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