Sunday, April 23, 2006

"The Global Pool of Consciousness

The physical universe is constructed of many layers of energy and vibration, only the slowest and densest of which are detected by your senses. Your eyes perceive a world of discrete objects separated by empty space. That "empty space" is in fact whirring and buzzing with thick streams of information swirling about the globe at a fierce velocity. One purpose of this revolving blanket of intelligence is to keep you apprised, usually at an unconscious level, of the species' overall condition and experience; and, more specifically, to alert you to events of emotional or physical significance occurring to those you love.
Your thoughts have an electromagnetic reality. These electrical streams flow not only from the brain down the neuronal networks, but also up into the atmosphere. You feed a constant stream of electrically encoded information to the world at large through the crown of your head. This stream is your private contribution to the global swarm of human consciousness. Because you carry a unique energetic "stamp" which identifies you vibrationally as surely as your fingerprint does physically, each unit of encoded information is recognizable as emanating from you and no one else.
Under normal circumstances, these private streams blend into the global pool of consciousness and pass undetected by others. In times of great physical or emotional stress, however, such streams pulse with fierce urgency and power, bursting from the background static of global consciousness to stand out as messages of special urgency. Because such messages carry the stamp of their originator, and because you instantly recognize the messages originating from those you know and love, a stream of urgent importance can trigger conscious feelings of concern for loved ones who may be half a world away. Reports are legion of those inexplicably gripped with sudden concern for loved ones, only to discover later that at the moment of sensed urgency the loved one had suffered great injury or died.
This is a natural and intended result of setting up the physical system in a way that ensures privacy of thought while allowing enough sensitivity to remote events that suffering and death are telepathically communicated to loved ones. The purpose of a camouflage physical system such as yours is that thoughts must be communicated through symbolic speech or gesture rather than directly, mind to mind. Nonetheless, each person is plugged into the global communication network and can, if receiving distress signals from loved ones, consciously detect their anguish.

From Camel to Cyberspace
As long as human tribes have needed to communicate with others out of their immediate vicinity, a set of agreed-upon symbols to carry their messages and a means of transportation to deliver them have been required. Driven by the natural desire that such symbolic messages be clear and detailed, and that they arrive as quickly as possible, two primary focuses of human technological progress have been the development of sophisticated language systems and faster modes of transportation. Subconsciously driving these efforts has been the urge to physically replicate the vibrational communication system encircling the globe, which carries richly detailed energetic messages around the world in mere moments.
Communicating through cyberspace represents a quantum leap of an altogether different nature than the gradual refinements in language and transportation which enhanced the complexity, and shortened the delivery time, of communication through the centuries. For moving into the digital age carries with it a fundamental shift in the way information is organized and disseminated. Until now, the race's accumulated knowledge has been collected and organized by writers, printed in media such as books, magazines, and newspapers, and made available to those with the means to acquire it. The process is a mechanical one, requiring paper, typesetting, and transportation to make information available.
The move into the digital age marks a shift from a mechanical communication system to an energetic system in which information is created, disseminated and retrieved without ever being reduced to paper and physically transported. This represents a great leap in sophistication, for it much more closely replicates the world s "original" communication system, the vast vibrational network encircling the globe.
One striking feature of cyberspace communication, which makes it such a leap above all other means of exchange, is that sender and recipient no longer need a physical address. Once one has a "virtual" address, others can send messages from anywhere, at any time, with the confidence that the message will find its intended recipient, wherever he or she may be. Communicating via cyberspace eliminates the need to inscribe messages on paper and pay to have them transported to a physical address. This represents a great leap closer to replicating the energetic communication system surrounding the globe.

The Binary Universe
There is another highly significant aspect of the evolution from physical means of communication to energetic means. The digital revolution marks the transition into an era when various media - language, photography, music, video - can be reduced to binary form, stored and reproduced with perfect fidelity, and transmitted across the vast reaches of cyberspace in moments. All such media are founded on the computer s binary system which, at its most elemental level, reduces information to a series of on/off values, pulsing in elaborate sequences to build complex tapestries of information.
This is how the physical universe works as well: a steady pulsation between the physical and nonphysical realms transmits information across the vibrational divide. The physical universe blinks "on" and "off" as it rides this primal pulsation. A thrust of energy and structural information bursts from the nonphysical realms to organize a coherent physical universe: this is the "on" pulsation. The physical realm then transmits responsive information as to its condition and unfolding events: this is the "off" pulsation during which physical reality ceases to exist. Your mind unconsciously leaps the gap of nonexistence, for the pulsation is far too rapid for your senses to detect. You live in the illusion of a physical world when, for 12 hours out of every 24, that world does not exist.
Thus the universe operates as a binary system, rooted to a primal on/off pulsation carrying information across the vibrational barrier between physical and nonphysical realms. It is no accident that computers should use the same basic system to store and handle information; as is always the case, technology edges ever closer to replicating the deeper structures and processes on which the universe is based. Each such innovative advance brings you one step closer to physically re-creating the deeper universal system, toward manifesting "heaven on earth."

Cyberchips and Satellites: The Next Great Leap
For all the wondrous improvements in communication brought about by the computer revolution and creation of cyberspace, there remain several impediments to physical re-creation of the global energetic communication system. The most obvious is that expensive and sophisticated machines are required to communicate via cyberspace. This limits use of the technology to businesses and affluent individuals (and the average First World denizen is affluent by world standards). The second impediment is that dependence on physical structures and systems (such as telephone lines) limits access to cyberspace; one cannot retrieve e-mail from remote jungles or floating on the high seas without at least a sophisticated satellite hookup (which further increases the expense and limits access).
Because your race is driven to replicate the global communication system, and because that system allows instantaneous, unimpeded communication with all other individuals, technological innovation will forge ahead in the direction of reducing cost and increasing availability of access. This will take several forms. The first is that computers, or at least their communication systems, will be reduced in size to a tiny implant (a "cyberchip") which can be burrowed under the skin. A system of satellites sweeping the global skies will transmit messages from anywhere in the world to the cyberchip carried by a target individual. This eliminates the need to lug a laptop about the globe and find a functional telephone line.
For all the progress this level of innovation represents, it still depends on physical devices which can be damaged or lost, abruptly cutting off cyber- communication. The next great technological leap - and this lies beyond the lifetime of most now living - will be to place the implants under the scalp or in the brain, where they translate the brain's electrical activity into binary pulsations which can be broadcast to others. Just as each living being has a unique vibrational stamp which identifies it as the source of its energetic messages, so will each chip have a unique code allowing identification of the source of brain-to-brain communication.
The current revolution in communicating via cyberspace is one step in the greater process of physically replicating the vast energetic communication system encircling the globe. What lies ahead are reducing dependence on machinery to transmit and receive information, miniaturizing broadcast technology, expanding access from the wealthy to all, and fighting government control and censorship of cyberspace. Beyond the upcoming decades of technological innovation and social debate lies a new era of instantaneous communication, free of censorship or repression, allowing every individual to travel freely while maintaining immediate contact with their business and family circles. This is the promise of the cyberspace revolution. "
Spirit Wisdom
Alexander/Ramon Stevens


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