Saturday, May 13, 2006

"You are all aware of the importance of balance. In the moment that you are experiencing that rise within yourself and you are beginning to generate a conflict with another individual and you feel yourself becoming agitated and judgmental and are moving into that argumentativeness, allow yourself momentarily to disappear the other individual. They do not exist momentarily. Turn your attention to you and evaluate what the threat is — why you are being argumentative, what is motivating that, what are you attempting to instruct or prove? Allow yourself to appreciate some element within yourself, regardless of what it is — that your hair may wave in a particular manner in that moment. It matters not. Reappear the other individual in your perception, which you may generate this action in merely a moment. Once you reappear the other individual, move your attention to an appreciation of any element of that individual, regardless of what it is. Perhaps you appreciate a button upon the other individual’s shirt; it matters not what it is. The expression of genuine appreciation itself interrupts aggression and it interrupts your attention. It immediately alters the energy. It immediately alters your energy; it immediately alters the other individual’s energy also. "


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