Sunday, March 19, 2006

"We have been discussing your shift. In this, I have been expressing of essence families, and of consciousness related to what you will be experiencing within your shift. I have expressed that within this session, I will be speaking of your beginnings, so to speak. This is not an expression of where you began upon this earth, so to speak, or where you began within consciousness in general, but a limited view of your beginnings within the focus of the Seers. I will express to you that we will designate these as “Dream Walkers.”
Your Seers were manifest once originally within this dimensional focus. This occurred in what you would view to be very many centuries ago. YOUR view of time and man’s existence upon this planet is quite distorted. I have given Michael his word for this evening, in relation to this subject. (The word was Pedra Ferada)
Within your location of a country you now view to be Brazil, there is a location with the name of Pedra Ferada. Here, is an archaeological site. You may investigate information of this site, for you will find that there is much controversy surrounding this area, for your scientists now are expressing their belief that human individuals existed within this area in a time period which you would view to be forty-eight thousand years ago. Within your known elements of time of these continents of your Americas, you will find that your scientists believe that you as humans did not exist upon these continents before twenty thousand years ago. In between these years, in your time element, they find no existence of man. Therefore, there is quite a gap. Some of your scientists dispute these findings and say that individuals were not within existence upon these continents in this time period. I express to you, you WERE within existence, even before these dates. (Pause)
Your scientists find little evidence of existence of man throughout your known world beyond certain time periods. You have existed upon your planet many times. As we have spoken of blinking in and out of physical focus, as you do continuously within your lifetime, your species has also blinked in and out of existence upon this planet. This planet of yours has been in existence for a much greater time period than your scientists realize, for it does not incorporate time either. It is a manifestation physically of consciousness, to accommodate your physical existence.
This will also account for your myths of other life visiting your planet, interacting with human beings. Other life, as YOU interpret it as aliens, has NOT visited your planet and interacted with you as human beings within entire cultures, although you have had interaction. Your pyramids were not built by aliens. Other wonders of your planet were not accomplished by extraterrestrial life forms. They are incorporated into your existence by YOU.
You — within different essence families at different time periods — have blinked into existence upon this planet. When I speak to you of blinking in and out of existence upon this planet, I do not speak in the same manner that I express of your blinking in and out of consciousness, for the species may blink in for thousands and thousands and thousands of years, and blink out for many thousands of years also. Consciousness is never destroyed. It does not become extinct. It is not annihilated. It only changes. It may change form — it may change dimension — but it does not disappear. (Pause)
In this also, you did not evolve through what you view to be your Darwinian theory, from other life forms. You have experimented with other expressions physically — and also partially physically — and some non-physical.
Originally, many thousands of your years before you believe your planet even existed, it DID exist, and you manifest within consciousness here. You chose the elements of your world and how it would be manifest physically. You chose to manifest all of your creatures, all of your plant life, your rocks, your sand, your water, your atmosphere. You experimented with these elements also. You moved through consciousness non-physically, not manifest. You were within continuous interaction with nature, as you have created it.
As you moved through your time element, which you also created, you created different expressions within this physical world. You created what you view to be a universe around you. After a period, you blinked out as a species, moving to other worlds and creating them also. Blinking back into this world, you became Dream Walkers. This is where we incorporate your Seers.
In this, you must try to understand that your time of manifestation was quite different. You did not incorporate time physically the way that you incorporate it now. You only partially manifest physically. The simplest explanation of this manifestation would be to express that you moved through what you now term as astral bodies. This is your consciousness body, which you do possess; this body being that form that you incorporate when you experience an out-of-body. You will travel with another body. This is the form that is more identified with the Seers. You may express this as a “light body,” for it is basically comprised of light. This is not what YOU understand as light, for it is not visual light.
These Dream Walkers were the initiators of the physical world that you basically understand presently. They phased in and out of physical manifestation, experimenting with all of your elements of physical life. In this, not being completely physically manifest, they did not incorporate age, as you know it. Therefore, their existence was overlapping. Some of these Seers chose to become physically manifest completely. Others did not, this being your correlation to our book of those individuals such as Sumpter, which would be the beings partially physically manifest, but also incorporating a greater understanding of consciousness and the dream state; others being totally physically manifest, which would parallel Ma-ah. The individuals who chose to be physically manifest completely divorced themselves from memory, this allowing for a pure experience of physical manifestation. But others, connected as Seers, were helpful to be guiding of these individuals in their beginning stages. (Pause)
You have blinked out many times, as I have stated. Evidence of individuals within this stage may be encountered within your future. Presently, it is unlikely that you will be discovering of these evidences, and even if you were uncovering evidences of these Seers and this period of manifestation, you would be denying this existence; this being why I incorporate the example of this site within Brazil, for this being another example of a blinking in period, which you do not accept yet as reality. To your thinking, this is not possible, for you are still “locked into” your time frames. In this, man may not be in existence before your ice age of this continent, and if man WAS within existence, he would have been annihilated. Therefore, he would exist no more. This is incorrect!
Physical elements have occurred within the existence of your planet which to you seems to be annihilating of all life, such as your ice age. This is only a period of blinking out of your species for a temporary time period, only to remanifest and blink in once again after physical changes have occurred within your planetary structure which were not needing of your direction, this allowing you the opportunity to focus within the elements of other systems and dimensions. (Pause)
ALL of these occurrences happen at once. You have only created a perception within each dimension to experience differently. Within THIS dimension, you experience through your invention of time and space. (Long pause) Such little mice this evening! (Laughter)
Your Seers have been quite instructing to you and have, as I have said, overlapped with ages. These are what you interpret as being other life forms, for you view them to be different from yourselves, as if [were you] viewing them physically, they would not resemble yourself within the form that you have chosen physically, but they are your forerunners.
As you approach your shift, your consciousness widens and incorporates more of an identification with these Dream Walkers. You begin to perceive your world differently. Your consciousness experiences elements differently. Your physical manifestation experiences through its senses differently. It widens. You are now beginning, within your shifting, to incorporate some of these new elements. You recognize more of your abilities. These are remembrances. "



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