"Within the action of transition, you view your focuses simultaneously. They are in actuality all occurring at once within all dimensions. Therefore, you begin by examining the simultaneousness of this one particular focus, and then you allow yourselves to move into the area of viewing all of your focuses simultaneously. Now; individuals already engage this action within physical focus, but they also camouflage this action. You shall allow yourselves the ability to NOT camouflage, but it is important that you hold an understanding of the reality of simultaneous time, that you do not confuse yourselves as you enter into viewing it. I have expressed an analogy previously of one hundred televisions. One hundred televisions occupy a room. You are the room. All of the televisions are your focuses, and they are all playing at once. They all display different programs -- not one is the same -- and you view them all simultaneously. And how confusing may this be to you, to be connecting with each of them and all of them and understanding all of them all at once, if you are not holding an understanding of simultaneous time? Each of these focuses are you, although they each hold their own integrity and are not you. There are many aspects of you that you do not view yet, but you shall. "
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