BILL: I’ve been wondering, for the sake of others too, if there are others doing something similar to your present enterprise with us, in other cultures, for instance in Asia or Africa, and what form those would take as far as... Well, they must have their own individual direction in moving those cultures in the action of the shift. Could you speak to that a little bit?
ELIAS: As to other individuals that may be channeling information within other cultures, yes, there are in actuality many other channeling expressions that are occurring now. There are many more that are expressed in the manner of channeling information from their own essence, which is no less valid in information; but it also is dependent upon the individual, how they choose to be incorporating the action and what their intent is and what their family is that they are belonging to, in whether the information shall incorporate distortion or not. I may express that there are what you would term to be very few individuals within this present time framework that are engaging an energy exchange with another essence and that are engaging that action in a manner that allows for the least distortion. But there are many different expressions that are occurring throughout your world presently in which individuals are offering themselves information concerning this shift in consciousness. They may not identify it in those terms, they may be incorporating different words, but they are incorporating the concept of a shift in reality.
Now; individuals present themselves with information in many, many different manners. Many individuals present themselves with information through familiar avenues, so to speak, through religious organizations or through different types of organizations that are associated with established, familiar beliefs; but it matters not, for metaphysics is beliefs also.
Therefore, it is merely a matter of the individual and what they draw themselves to, what information they prefer and also what the individual’s intents are and what are their most strongly expressed beliefs. Some individuals are choosing not to offer themselves much information concerning this shift in consciousness, but that may be in association with their intent and perhaps they are choosing to be exploring conflict.
BILL: Yes, that makes perfect sense. I look at all these cultures and I see different personalities exhibited by each culture, each individual lending their own personality to the expression of the whole. It’s quite a mosaic. I like the way you explain it. So those that are choosing the Shift will create some kind of a bridge belief system out of whatever they hold originally, some kind of bridge to the equivalent of how they relate to this shift. Is that clear, as I’m stating that?
ELIAS: Perhaps, or perhaps not. You all are moving with this shift, and I may express to you that individuals choosing not to be moving in conjunction with this shift or in agreement with it shall disengage and not participate within your physical reality, for it has been chosen by the collective, by all of you that are participating throughout your world. In this, some individuals may be choosing to be in agreement with the actual shift in consciousness, but not choosing to be moving in their physical directions with it and therefore generating trauma and conflict, but that is also their choice.
It is not that they are unaware of what is occurring, in your terms, around them. It is what they choose in how they shall move. Some individuals, in relation to their direction and their beliefs and their intents and their individual value fulfillment, may choose to be experiencing the conflict and the trauma.
Those of you that draw yourselves to this information and to interaction with myself have chosen to be moving in a direction of the least conflict and the least trauma, and therefore offering yourselves information to prevent that action, and also choosing to offer energy to the whole, so to speak, to ease the expression of trauma and conflict even in association with those individuals that choose it, that it may be lessened than it might have been.
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