Friday, July 07, 2006

"In this, I may say to you that you may choose what you want to be sharing and choose what you do not want to be sharing. You may be incorporating that expression of exposure and vulnerability, and not express to yourself that you have to be sharing every aspect of yourself or your experiences or your encounters with other individuals. But also, in another regard, do not limit yourself if you want to be sharing your experiences and your interactions. Do not restrict yourself, incorporating the basis that other individuals may misunderstand or that it shall be confusing to them. For those are their choices, and they may choose whether to receive and whether to participate or not. That should not be what dictates whether you allow yourself to express yourself. Now; if you are apprehensive and you are listening to yourself and you choose in any particular moment not to be sharing some of your interaction for you may be anticipating a responsiveness from other individuals which is uncomfortable to you, you may choose how you incorporate what you share with other individuals. Allow yourself the freedom to express what you want. If you are incorporating excitement and wish to be sharing your experience with other individuals, allow yourself to do so. But listen to yourself also, and if you are receptive to an energy which is uncomfortable to you, allow yourself to be responsive to that also, and not force yourself to be interactive in an uncomfortable manner."


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