Wednesday, July 05, 2006

"We shall be discussing consciousness; stepping sideways in consciousness and holding objective awareness of areas of consciousness. And also, we shall be discussing responsibility within what you are creating in consciousness.
You are the most familiar with your objective waking state of consciousness, but there are other areas of consciousness that are only very slightly removed from your objective waking consciousness. These areas are quite easily accessed. In actuality, you access these areas more often than you realize. You merely do not notice what you are accessing. An extreme example of one area of stepping sideways while you are engaged in objective waking state would be a state of what you term to be daydreaming. This is a more extreme action of moving sideways within your objective waking state. You may move slightly less sideways, holding to your objective waking state, not allowing yourselves to drift so completely as within a state of daydreaming but also stepping slightly to the side of yourselves, and you may hold a greater understanding of your reality.
In this, being fully objectively aware, you may allow yourselves a slight movement to alter your perception just slightly, allowing yourself to move into a feeling or a thought or a physical feeling -- not emotion -- and examine this area. In this, what I am expressing to you may be likened to creating a landscape for a thought, or creating an inner landscape for an emotion, or creating an inner landscape for a physical feeling; being fully aware objectively, fully conscious as you term this to be, and noticing a thought or an emotion or a physical feeling, and in this, isolate the individual thought or feeling or emotion and create a landscape for this within you. In doing this, you may view other elements that are connected with this thought. You wish to look futurely; you wish to see into your future. You may, by examining your inner landscape. You hold an emotion. You may create a physical landscape from this emotion. You may create an entire scene stemming merely from one emotion. Allow yourself to move into the area of the emotion, examining it, and from this allowing yourself to visualize, springing initially, colors that you may identify with this emotion. Create these colors into a landscape. It may be a forest; it may be a lake; it may be a beach; it may be a field. It may be any landscape that you choose; and as you visualize this landscape and you move into examining this, knowing that this landscape is created by one emotion or one thought or one physical feeling, you may allow yourselves to interpret the elements of the landscape, which may also inform you of the direction that you are moving into, which shall be offering you information of what you are creating futurely.
An example: You hold a physical feeling; an ailment. In this, you may look to this ailment; the affected area of your physical body; (to Letty) your asthma. You may look to the actual organs which are affected. In this, you shrink yourself into yourself, create a tiny little you, and place it inside of you. Look to the physical form and create an inner landscape. We shall use a landscape of a tree-lined meadow. In this landscape, as you -- being this tiny little you -- move through the landscape, you may view each element within this landscape -- each flower, each blade of grass, each tree -- as an element of you and the physical ailment. As you move through this landscape, you may alter the landscape. You may rearrange the landscape. You may place your trees in different areas; and as you move objects within your landscape, you also alter actions within your intent within your physical form, for you are altering your action. You may also allow yourselves clues. As you view new flowers springing up within your landscape, you may also interpret this as new elements developing within the landscape that is your ailment. As you view certain elements disappearing within your landscape, you also may interpret this as elements and aspects of your ailment disappearing. As you choose to erase elements from your landscape, you may also offer to yourself the acknowledgment that you are beginning to actively uncreate the ailment.
You may use this process of slightly stepping sideways within consciousness, being fully awake, being fully objectively aware, with many different aspects of your focus. You may isolate a thought, and you may create the same landscape. You may isolate an emotion and you may create an inner landscape which shall allow you to view aspects of this thought or emotion, and you may view what you may anticipate futurely; for as you enter more elements into your landscape, you may also be assured that you are creating more aspects connected with this thought or emotion. As you are eliminating elements from your landscape, you may also assure yourself that you are letting go of certain elements of the thought or emotion that you are choosing to be eliminating. You may also engage this process with each other. You may step sideways with each other within the desire to be affecting or helpful with another individual. In this, you may create a little tiny you, and you may enter another individual and enter their landscape. (Commotion in the room) I am quite pleased! In entering into another individual's landscape, you are not creating their landscape, but you may view their landscape. In this, you may be helpful in expressing to the other individual what you view within their landscape, therefore offering them more information also; for they may be blocking part of their ability to reach their landscape, and therefore you may be helpful in this manner. You may also intersect with another aspect of yourself, another focus, and you may connect with their inner landscape.
Now we move into the area of responsibility. As you are affecting of your own inner landscapes, you hold the responsibility to yourselves and to all consciousness to be affecting beneficially. As you move into areas of affectingness with other individuals or other focuses, even of yourself, you hold more responsibility, for you are now affecting of another focus. Therefore, you hold the responsibility of the expression of essence. This is very important! It is important that you realize that you DO hold a responsibility within consciousness. I do not express to you that all of your existence is merely an experience with no responsibility! You experience for the experience; but you also hold tremendous responsibility to be expressing from essence. (Firmly) Expression of essence is not to be concerning yourself with all other individuals and their creation of reality, and creating judgment within you as to other individuals' creations of their reality. Your responsibility is to be accepting within yourself, and of all other individuals! I may not express this strongly enough. It is very important!
This, be remembering: Each action that you create, you also are affecting within consciousness. Each action that you take, you affect all of consciousness. Therefore, you may quite understand the responsibility that you hold within these actions.
I express to you though, it is much easier than you realize to be stepping sideways within consciousness and offering yourselves much more information than you presently do. It is quite easy to be creating of these inner landscapes, and be offering yourself and others much information."


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