Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"Now; this also is quite strongly associated with the automatic response to beattempting to eliminate beliefs, which you may not do if you choose tocontinue within this physical dimension, but it is an automatic response andan automatic association. Even with individuals that may intellectuallyexpress to themselves or to other individuals that they know that the pointis not to be eliminating beliefs, this is the action that you incorporateregardless — attempting to eliminate — for there is an automatic associationthat beliefs are bad.
Now; this also is a movement that you are generating in conjunction with thisnew wave in consciousness. In actuality, all of you are participating inthis wave, and you are all presenting yourselves with different types ofimagery in association with it. This wave addresses to the belief system oftruth.
Now; in this, let me express to you, each of you incorporate your own truths. They are not actually truth, but in your association with it, they are YOURtruth. Your truths are your most strongly expressed beliefs that have beenset in such absolutes that you do not question them. You do not even noticethem. You do not identify them as beliefs; you associate with them as someother expression other than beliefs. They are not beliefs, for they merelyare. They are, in your association, facts.
But facts are beliefs also and facts are not absolute, either, for factschange. But within each of you, you hold certain facts that you deem to beyour truth, and in this wave in consciousness this is what you are addressingto, which also moves in conjunction with becoming much more intimatelyfamiliar with yourselves in allowing yourselves to identify what thosebeliefs are.
Now; this particular wave is significant in a manner in which it may behelpful to you. For in identifying your truths and genuinely recognizingthat they are your individual truth, that they are not absolute and that theyare not genuine truths but they are strongly expressed beliefs, it may behelpful to you in that you begin to recognize the significance of noteliminating beliefs, and this alters your perception in association withbeliefs.
For in recognizing those beliefs that are your truths, many of your truthsincorporate different types of influences. In some expressions, theirinfluence may be limiting, but in others they may be preferences. Therefore,you may discover your truths and not wish to change them and be comfortablein the expression of them, but you recognize that they are not absolutes. Therefore, they may be what you prefer to be expressing, but you alsogenerate an allowance in association with other individuals, recognizing thatother individuals may not incorporate the same preference. Preferences aremerely preferred beliefs."
