Friday, June 23, 2006

"A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes.
It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results."
Wade Boggs
"Sex is energy."
Beatrice Wood
"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities."

Professor Dumbledore
from 'Harry Potter'
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

T.S. Eliot

Norfolk Broads
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Mark Twain
"People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains,
at the huge waves of the seas,
at the long course of the rivers,
at the vast compass of the ocean,
at the circular motion of the stars,
and yet they pass by themselves without wondering."

St. Augustine
"And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet
and the winds long to play with your hair."

Kahlil Gibran
"If we are not happy and joyous at this season,
for what other season shall we wait
and for what other time shall we look?"

"Some men see things as they are and ask why.
Others dream things that never were and ask why not."

George Bernard Shaw
“We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams...”
Arthur O'Shaughnessy

Thursday, June 22, 2006

"Generate a game and reward yourself. ... For in this, you also affect your perception, for you begin to recognize the humor in what you are doing."

Monday, June 19, 2006

"This information and this type of movement is, as I have expressed many times, so very unfamiliar that you each generate an intellectual understanding of what is being presented but the actual application of that understanding is much more challenging. That is accomplished in a genuine assimilation in which you know, not merely think. "
"Let me express to you, although I express to you all that all of your interactions are a reflection of yourself, that is not to say that they are a mirror. A reflection may be presented in many different manners and to accomplish many different expressions, many different identifications. At times you present experiences to yourself that reflect how you have generated a movement and how you have accomplished. Not necessarily to reflect a discounting of yourself, but to allow you to view within yourself what you have accomplished in what you have moved into, and therefore validate yourself."

hail in june
" don't have to get your INNER BEING'S attention! You already have your Inner Being's attention! What you are wanting is that YOU have a conscious realization of it. This is the letting it in that we are talking about. If you feel unsure, not quite are not allowing the connection. You should just relax and open to it. You are much more connected more than you realize that you are. It’s your doubt that keeps it from your awareness."~

Sunday, June 18, 2006

"Imagine where your breath goes when it leaves your body
The greater your 'period' of reflection, the greater the amount of time that seems to pass between events. You seem to think that there is an expanse of time between reincarnational existences, that one follows the other as one moment seems to follow another. Because you perceive a reality of cause and effect, you hypothesize a reality in which one life affects the next one. With your theories of guilt and punishment you often imagine that you are hampered in this existence by guilts collected in the last life - or worse, accumulated through the centuries. These multiple existences, however, are simultaneous and open ended. In your terms the conscious mind is growing toward a realization of the part it has toplay in such multidimensional reality. It is enough that you understand your part in this existence. When you fully comprehend that you form what you think of as your current reality, all else will fall into place. Your beliefs, thoughts and feelings are instantly materialized physically. Their earthly reality occurs simultaneously with their inception, but in the world of time, lapses between appear to occur. So I say one causes the other, and I use those terms to help you understand, but all are at once. So are your multiple lives occurring as the immediate realization of your being in the natural extension of its many-faceted abilities. 'At once' does not imply a finished state of perfection nor a cosmic situationin which all things have been done, for all things are still happening. You are still happening - but both present and future selves; and your past self is still undergoing what you think is done. Moreover, it is experiencing events that you do not recall, that your linear-attuned consciousness cannot perceive on that level. Your body has within it the miraculous strength and creative energy with which, in your terms, it was born. You most probably take this to mean that I am implying the possibility of an unending state of youth. While youth can be physically 'prolonged' far beyond its present duration, that is not what I am saying. Physically, your body must follow the nature into which you were born, and in that context the cycle of youth and age is highly important. In some ways, the rhythm of birth and death is like a breath taken and exhaled. Feel your own breath as it comes and goes. You are not it, yet it comes into you and leaves you, and without its continuous flow you could not physically exist. just so your lives go in and out of you - you and yet not you. And a portion of you, while letting them all go, remembers them and knows their journey. Imagine where your breath goes when it leaves your body, how it escapes through an open window perhaps and becomes a part of the space outside, where you would never recognize it - and when it has left you it is no longer a part of what you are, for you are already different. So the lives you have lived are not you, while they are of you. Close your eyes. Think of your breaths as lives, and you the entity through which they have passed and are passing. Then you will feel your state of grace, and all artificial guilts will be meaningless. None of this negates the supreme and utter integrity of your individuality, for you are as well the individual entity through whom the lives flow, and the unique lives that are expressed through you. No one atom of air is like another. Each in its own way is aware and capable of entering into greater transformations and organizations, filled with infinite potential. As your breath leaves you and becomes part of the world, free, so do your lives leave you and continue to exist in your terms. You cannot confine a personality that you 'were' to a particular century that is finished and deny it other fulfillments, for even now it exists and has fresh experience. As your moment of reflection gave birth to consciousness as you think of it - for both really came together - so then can another phenomenon and kind of reflection give birth to at least some dim conscious awareness of the vast dimensions of your own reality. The animal moves, say, through a forest. You move through psychic, psychological and mental areas in the same way. Through his senses the animal gets messages from distant areas that he cannot directly perceive, and of which he is largely unaware. And so do you.
Session 636, Page 154, NOPR
"Seriousness is a viewing and a generation of perception that is analytical with little point — not an analyticalness in genuine discovery, but an analyticalness which does not actually, in your terms, lead to actual answer."
"Now; I shall rock your boats once again and express to you, you identify within your beliefs a distinction between anger and frustration. You view anger and frustration to be different and separate expressions. I express to you, they are aspects of the same emotion.Anger is in actuality a beneficial and useful emotion in the manner that you have chosen to be expressing it, in association with your beliefs and its coupling with duplicity. For each time you are experiencing your definition of anger, you are allowing yourself to be projecting an obvious, objective expression of your lack of acceptance, which also offers you the opportunity to be identifying and to be altering that expression.In this, allow yourself objectively the recognition that anger and frustration are the same emotion. Therefore, you may be expressing anger without judgment. It may be expressed as an objective motivational expression, which in actuality is its design."
"Your attention is you. It is your awareness. It is the combined expression of your subjective and your objective awarenesses, those expressions of you that create you as you."
"I continue to be encouraging of you to be incorporating MORE playfulness."

".....color of blue. The essence family... Sumari. The Sumari are playful. They are creative. They are spiritual. They are your artists. They are not teachers of art; they are doers. The Sumari are doers of everything! They incorporate action. They materialize what the Sumafi and the Gramada initiate. This essence family incorporates great creativity.
I have spoken to you of the initiators, these being the driving forces behind the actualizers. Therefore, the initiators within the arts would be the manifest individuals who promote the individual artists. These of the Sumari are the artists. They do incorporate the spotlight. They enjoy being within the forefront of all action. They are not introverted or shy individuals! They are quite extroverted. They also are quite independent. They do not align themselves with groups. They do not align themselves with societies or governments or religions. They are your rebellious group. They are the individuals that butt against everything! They are your salmon swimming upstream! They do not conform. You will find, in movements of cultures, individuals who are refusing to conform to the norm. These individuals belong to the Sumari.
Within your culture, within this country of yours, you have been exposed to a movement of the Sumari before you physically, within your time of great change, within this century; your young individuals, your students who revolted, who refused to conform; your "flower children". These were Sumari. They are great expressers of love and freedom. They choose not to align themselves within groups, for they feel that this is constricting of their individuality and creativity. They are tremendous expressers of individuality. They are your triumphers for the individual. They are focused upon the development, within all creativity, of each individual. They stress spirituality, but only within the individual, not within a religious focus.
They are connectors. They connect essence to focus. They are also temporary. They are your physical "pop-ins" of cultures. They do not establish cultures to be lasting. They "pop-in" to established cultures, they encourage individual thought and creativity and spirituality, and they "pop-out"! They initiate thought. They initiate remembering of connections. You will not find Sumari in long-lasting cultural situations. They will appear temporarily to be "stirring your pot," so to speak, and then they will, as suddenly as it may seem that they appeared, they will disappear. "
"Your color of green; this will be represented of the family of Ilda. These individuals are very likable. They are extremely verbal. They are communicators. Their focus is exchange. They are travelers. They may be manifest as merchants, as gypsies, as seamen; any individuals that travel and exchange ideas of cultures. They are the "mixers". Without these individuals your civilizations, your cultures, would become stagnant. They also incorporate, within physical manifestation, as slaves, as pirates. They are quite colorful individuals! They exchange ideas from one culture to another. They bring infiltration of religion, of trade, to all areas within your world. Some, in other times periods of your history, were great jesters of courts, having access to diplomats and kings, and exchanging ideas and concepts between these of high rank and peasantry. I personally hold quite affection for this family. (Smiling) "
"Now; let me express to you an identification of allowing yourself to receive the message of an emotion. For you may be allowing yourself to receive the message without turning your attention to thought, and therefore you may receive the communication and not necessarily incorporate a thought or a translation of that communication in thought. The manner in which you shall allow yourself the objective knowing that you have received the message or the communication is that you shall discontinue the emotion, but not merely discontinue the emotion and the signal, but you shall also generate a sense within yourself of acceptance, or you may translate that into a momentary expression of calm."
"I am a tremendous advocate of relaxing! "